Saturday, 23 October 2010

busy beee october craft finshes

Sunday 23rd October:   Well I am now back at work up to my full hours and shifts so spare time is getting less. However I have been very busy crafting 1st my purple scarf using Rico can can wool it took some getting use but my mum loves the scarf  my niece wants one in pink two friends want a purple one doing a grey/brown one for a friend. so that's my knitting taken care of for while.
Rico scarf in purple

The next item is for friends birthday in November, I finished this way back in begin of November, I used handyed thread and fabric and brought the beads without the thread its perfect match. I loved doing this design especially loved the beading. my friend loves shopping but is deputy headteacher so just ideal for her. My mum is going to frame it with an ace frame brought from pound land

Next is my nightmare finish but very effective its for friends boy who be 3 end of November i used dmc fluorescent threads all i can say is than the world for thread heaven !!!!!!!!!!! The white spots are dmc glow in the dark threads. I doing glow in the dark dinosaur to go with it so will frame when finished.

My last project was done the end of September beginning of October it was for assistant pastor wife as A thank you gift I used dmc scented threads. Ceri was over the moon with the bookmark as she finds hard to get stuff with her name on.

On my day off next week i am go to try and make some cards so watch this space.