my lizze kate christmas freebie staring march 6th for friends birthday in april done april 13th
a teacher gifts desging myself with ladybirds starting april 10th 2010 finshed april 23 needs framming done
A dolpin for katie on aida done needs framing june 10still needs framing
two gifts for two small boys done june 1st
a gift for my male cpn as a thankyou( not started or finshed yet)girl in blue long term project no start date yet
additional projectshello kitty for friend finshed june 11th
a 65th birthday present for dads girlfriend in august( done
a sliver turquise scaf done
a pink scarf for kate started done feburary
a jewel colur scarf for katies friend started march 1st done april
baby blanket ufoand to knit a basic pattern started not finshed